Mission & Vision:

The purpose of Sardinia Presbyterian Church is to honor and glorify our great Triune God. Our Mission is to bring the lost to Christ and to build up believers into lives of holiness and service.  The doors of this church are open to any and all who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are led of the Lord to seek membership in this body of believers.

We are:


Christ’s Church.

Sardinia Presbyterian Church proclaims Christ who is the head of the Church. As a congregation of sinners saved by the grace of God alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone we seek to worship Jesus Christ and make him known.



This means that the local church, under the head of Jesus Christ, is guided and guarded by men set apart as Elders. Each Presbyterian congregation elects, trains, and ordains men as spiritual overseers of the local church. As Christ is the Great Shepherd he appoints under-shepherds (or Elders) to help tend to his flock. These local churches are united as one and relate to each other regionally and nationally by councils of Elders called Presbyteries and the General Assembly. Additionally we are governed by the PCA Book of Church Order.



In its broad sense, this is a term that refers to a series of doctrines that were rediscovered and established during the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. These include, but are not limited to: 

- A view of God’s sovereignty in all things, including salvation. 

- A simple form of worship which highlights the ordinary means of grace: the reading and preaching of the word, prayer, and sacraments.

- An understanding that God primarily relates to His people by way of Covenant (or a bond) which is for believers and their children.

- A whole-life view of worshipping and honoring God both corporately in Sunday worship and privately as we live and work in our homes and world.



This means that, we at Sardinia Presbyterian Church, subscribe to and are governed by a series of documents that summarize the scriptures and are rooted in the historic Creeds. These documents are known as the Westminster Standards - they are not divine nor inspired, but nevertheless are very beneficial summaries of and guides to the scriptures written by godly men.